Thanks for December 2022 Meals and Other Goodies

More than 20 individuals, groups, clubs, and businesses showed their love and support by bringing meals and other items to SECU Crystal Coast Hospice House. Our patients, families, and staff all appreciate the blessing of these meals, snacks, and other treats. Thanks to each one of our supporters who made this possible in the month of December…

Jenny & Paige Bell

Michelle Blaylock

Cape Lookout Civitan Club

Carteret Community College

Coastal Cremations

Emerald Isle Realty

First Missionary Baptist Church

First Methodist Church, Havelock

First United Methodist Church, Morehead City

John and Carol LaGrow

The Martins Family

Mary, Starla, and Julie

National Charity League

Newport Moose Lodge

Open Door Baptist Church


Nora, Amy, and Ray Schueller

St. Egberts Catholic Church

St. James Church